A couple of weeks ago, we talked about the speech that Jesus gave in Caesarea-Philippi. I mentioned that prior to being called Caesarea-Philippi, the area was known as Panius, named after the Greek hybrid god Pan. And even further back in the Old Testament, it was called Bashan. Bashan was the location of the kingdom of Og, the last remaining survivor, and KING, of the Rephaim.

At Caesarea-Philippi, there is a cave, and a spring that flows from within the cave. It's actually one of the largest springs feeding the Jordan river. Jordan translates in Hebrew as: "from Dan". Jor, means "from" in Hebrew. Which illudes to the high probability that the location of the largest spring that feeds the Jordan river... was, likely, the very location where the Danite tribe once lived. 

The Danites were one of the twelve tribes of Israel and they were given the emblem of a snake, by Moses, to adorn their flag. Therefore, it's believed that they were destined to produce the "seed of the serpent". In the Book of Revelation, when the 144,000 are sealed in their forehead, 12,000 from each of the twelve tribes, the tribe of Dan is not mentioned. Likely because his tribe is represented by the antichrist.

It is believed that the Danites disappeared prior to 1,050 BC. We know that ten of the twelve tribes of Israel are currently considered "lost". Judah (the Jews) and Levi (the priestly line) are the two main tribes still in existence, but rabbis consider Dan to the be only tribe that was truly "lost". There is reason to believe that the Danites took ships and sailed to Peloponnesus, a large peninsula in Southern Greece, where they eventually became known as the Spartans. 

I've mentioned before that the Peloponnesian mountains were believed to be the home of the Greek gods Hermes (who may actually be the biblical Cush - the father of Nimrod), and the Greek god Pan. In fact, it's suspected that Pan may actually be a corruption of the name Dan. And if that's the case, then this is yet another connection placing the Danites at Caesarea-Philippi - formerly known as Panius.

Homer's Iliad, and the Odyssey, refer to the Spartans as Danaans. The Greek legend of the "Battle of the Giants" (between the Titans and the Olympians) was probably first told by the Danites about the fallen angels and their offspring - which eventually became the Greek religion.
And if the Danites AND the giants can both be traced to have dwelt in the very same location on earth, then there's a HIGH probability that the giants came from, or were connected to, the Danites.

Do you remember those Celtic giants we introduced last week? The Tuatha de Danaan? Danaan, in Gaelic, is spelled exactly like the Greek Danaans who were also known as the Spartans.

Danaan, in Gaelic, translates to mean: "people of the goddess Danu" -or- "tribes from the goddess Danu". Danu, to the celts, was mother earth. Which is interesting, because this is the exact same history we are given in the Book of Enoch, in the Book of Genesis, and in Greek Mythology... that the giants were the offspring of heaven... and earth. 
Also, the etymology of the name Danu means "to run or to flow". Similar to the spring at Caesarea-Philippi where the tribe of Dan was located, which fed the Jordan river. Are you seeing the pattern yet?

But that's not all! There's another well known river associated with the name Dan or Danu. The Danube, which is the second largest river of Europe!  It originates in Germany and flows through ten different countries.
Danu is also known in Hinduism as a primordial water goddess. She is identified in the Rigveda (the ancient sacred Hindu text) as the mother of Vritra, a serpent or dragon. Vritra is depicted as the personification of evil, a demon, and the leader of the Danava, his siblings. A race of giants.
Meaning that Danu is, quite literally, the mother of dragons - or more aptly: the mother of the seed of the serpent. Which not only connects to the giants being the literal seed of the serpent - but also to the tribe of Dan who was prophesied to produce the seed of the serpent. READ MORE
